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It has sat on my bookshelf for that long. It definitely was not what I was expecting. It was first person plural, and so the point of view of high school girls.
Spectators to what was going on around them but never interfered. I have to say I kind of clocked what happened pretty quick. High school new girl, bullied and eventually commits suicideβ¦. Definitely a new take on it though, with you feeling like you were one of those girls who just watched Carolyn get bullied, stood at the side lines and did nothing. It kind of brings me back to when I was at school, these things happen. The book probably would have made a bigger impact on me if I had actually read it 5 years ago, but I feel like after 13 Reasons Why on Netflix and everything this message has pretty much been drilled into me and stayed with me.
Still an interesting read, took a while to get used to the first person plural though. I also thought that maybe it dragged just a little, I think I would have preferred a little bit more time spent on the aftermath.
But now the book is done and I hope to never leave another book on my bookshelf unread for 5 years again lol. I have been wanting to talk about this ever since I saw the direct so please enjoy me talking about Animal Crossing for 40 minutes straight x.
How do I balance this lol. Lucas finally spilled about his HCM so good for him and finally, Haley and Nathan did find their way back together. I knew they would. So this season was jam-packed with drama like always. I feel like I always say this but like I just want some good things to happen for Peyton, compared to everyone else her life is so tragic and like for once could it be cute?